Monday 23 June 2008

Tree's getting a budget hair cut

Our big Jacaranda tree received a hair cut today. It was hanging over the neighbour's fence and shading the vegie patch so it's nice to let a bit more sun through. The old bloke from over the side fence made sure the tree got the prune he wanted. I hope he's happy with the efforts.

I showed Rita a bit about budgeting for Zodiax today. I get concerned about a business that doesn't have budgets and where accountability isn't built into processes. It sounds as though she's going to do something about better financial controls, which will help me feel a whole lot easier.

I did the ladder this morning. Rita came with me. It was cold but as I reflected later it's rare that I regret getting out and getting amongst it, which I can't say about the opposite.

Jussy's staying with us tonight. He's off to Karratha in the morning to work on the railways for Rio Tinto. He's pretty excited and the money is great.

I'm keen to get a job once I've finished my thesis. It's been a long slog without a decent salary. I'm thinking of trying for a government management position, but I'm open to other possibilities.

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