Monday 30 June 2008

What happened today

I've got a sore back. It's usually related to tight hamstrings. More stretching is on the agenda. I suspect it comes from riding.

Wrote a good paragraph today and read some interesting stuff about how the human subject is created. All in all a productive day. I spent some time working out of Farells restaurant. I seem to be a bit more productive away from home.

I haven't had a hot shower since about the 21st of May. I'll make it a challenge to go through winter without using hot water for my showers. Each shower gets less of a challenge than the previous.

I'm still not drinking alcohol at home unless we have guests. I'm feeling sharper as a result.

Thursday 26 June 2008

A bit of nothing

Good day writing. Around 450 words and plenty of new understanding about my little French buddy Foucault. Power is a subtle non-existent non-force that seduces and induces.

Bit tired right now. Listening to Queen's Fat Bottomed Girls.

On the ladder 6am tomorrow with Sammi. Let's hope she can walk tomorrow.

Wednesday 25 June 2008

Another day of writing

Overslept by about half an hour this morning but I still made it to the ladder by 6:15. One of the regulars gave me a bit of shit about turning up late.

I went to Fremantle with Rita this morning. While Rita worked I went to Gino's for a coffee and wrote a good few hundred words. They have great coffee and free internet for customers. Cool. The energy of a coffee shop gave my writing a lift. I stalled during the afternoon as I started wading into the Foucauldian section of my thesis.

I had a shit night's sleep last night. Woke up just after 3am and didn't get back to sleep for ages. I'm starting to get tired as I write this.

The sound

I looked for something heavy inside.
Instead I found a light.
It took me to a sound still hearing.
Nothing to see hear.

Tuesday 24 June 2008

Am I soft?

I slept in this morning. No ladder, no meditation. On a day like today I don't feel powerful or in control. It's as if life happens to me rather than me creating life. I did though have a shave and a cold shower the latter of which took some discipline. I take power out of knowing that I can be the master over fear and sluggishness.

I met with both my new and previous honours supervisors today. I'm glad I started writing today and didn't go on holidays. On a good day I can write 1000 words but when I'm breaking new ground, as I am with Foucault's theories, I'm down to a few hundred words a day. I wrote 56 today.

I hope it's pissing down in the morning. It feels great to be out in the wet and cold when everyone else is in bed sleeping. Is this all just a way of trying to convince myself that I'm not soft?

Monday 23 June 2008

Tree's getting a budget hair cut

Our big Jacaranda tree received a hair cut today. It was hanging over the neighbour's fence and shading the vegie patch so it's nice to let a bit more sun through. The old bloke from over the side fence made sure the tree got the prune he wanted. I hope he's happy with the efforts.

I showed Rita a bit about budgeting for Zodiax today. I get concerned about a business that doesn't have budgets and where accountability isn't built into processes. It sounds as though she's going to do something about better financial controls, which will help me feel a whole lot easier.

I did the ladder this morning. Rita came with me. It was cold but as I reflected later it's rare that I regret getting out and getting amongst it, which I can't say about the opposite.

Jussy's staying with us tonight. He's off to Karratha in the morning to work on the railways for Rio Tinto. He's pretty excited and the money is great.

I'm keen to get a job once I've finished my thesis. It's been a long slog without a decent salary. I'm thinking of trying for a government management position, but I'm open to other possibilities.

Sunday 22 June 2008

Catching up with relatives

I spent most of today at my mother-in-laws catching up with relatives from Kalgoorlie. It was nice to chat about farming and shearing and share trading. People from the country are attractively uncomplicated.

This morning I decided that I won't drink alcohol at home until I've finished my honours thesis. It's a way to keep focussed during the months ahead and it will also allow me to go out and have a good time with friends.

I didn't do Jacob's Ladder today as a result of the catch up with the relatives. I miss doing something physical during the day. I'll be back there in the morning.

Tomorrow our big Jacaranda tree gets trimmed. I hope it will allow a bit more sun onto the vegie patch. The tomatoes are growing far too slowly for my liking.

Finally it was great to see the Bombers beat Carlton. Great game. The Eagles flogging by Geelong will be long forgotten within two years. As Worsfold said he played in a game (I think against the Roos) where they only kicked one goal. Two years later they played in a grand final and the year afterwards won a premiership. The West Coast are rebuilding and they'll be all the better for this weekend's experience.

Saturday 21 June 2008

About today

I rode this morning. Shit it was cold. But it was nice to be out on the bike having a bit of fun. I'll probably do the ladder in the morning. My legs will probably feel a bit tired.

I'm feeling a bit feral at the moment. Drank half a bottle of wine and devoured a packet of potato chips this afternoon. What a fine diet. Hmmm, and helped myself to some chocolate after dinner.

I watched a movie about Burma this afternoon. Jeez that country is in bad shape. They really don't care too much for democracy. I wonder what it's going to take to open that country up? Sure glad I live in Australia. I admire the reporters and film makers that bring these stories to the rest of the world. They're very courageous.

Why I feel better about the future

I've been feeling skeptical about the future lately. Terrorism, global warming, rising food prices, and tensions in the middle east all add to a recipe that pose plenty of questions over our future. It seems that no matter what I read or watch the future doesn't look great. But last night I was given justification to hope for the future. And my hopes lie in a group of young people who, in the not too distant future will, I hope, become our next leaders.

These new leaders will come from those who are still in school, people such as the uni friends I enjoyed drinks with last night. They're articulate, respectful, environmentally aware, and open-minded; a far cry from some of the narrow-minded, self-interested people running the country at the moment. They're not full of their own importance but are concerned for those around them. They know how to enjoy themselves, how to have an intelligent conversation, and how to be compassionate human beings.

Quite simply they're an inspiration. Let the future begin.

Sunday 8 June 2008

New post

On my research journal

Saturday 7 June 2008

I'm gutted

West Coast blew a 36 half time lead tonight to lose by a kick. I'm just devastated. Here's my take on a few players.

Goodes: too fit, too fast, too smart. A match winner despite a slow start.
Selwood: not as fit as is his mouth is fast. Had his legs run from under him by Goodes.
Hunter: far from his confident best. Couple of very costly mistakes.
Kirk: did he get knocked out? Still, got up and performed well.
Houlihan: rising star, needs to put on some weight.
Butler: learn to kick goals from the 5o son.
Kerr: Mister Courageous.
Everett: A slow, lumbering, but very clever Spider.
Cox: rucks like a rover.
Lynch: top performance from The Unit. Marked and tackled well. Set up forward momentum.
Seeby: too soft around the stoppages.
Jones: tough, but tried to get too fancy and caused a crucial turnover.
Embley: an ember of his burning best. Went missing when the game needed to be won.
Staker: needs to sharpen up under pressure in front of goals.
Wirrapanda: clever, clever, clever.

The season is now over for West Coast. They'll now want to blood as many new players as they can, so don't read too much into any of their performances from here to the end of the season. Will be nuisance value for some clubs vying for a spot in the eight; which is where they'll be next season.