Monday 25 June 2007

I choose to give freely of my time

Today was a day of reflection. Reflection on my motivations. Reflections on what's important. Reflections on the affects of my needs and wants. I'd been feeling unappreciated with the work I do on a volounteer basis in my wife's business, and therefore took myself and our dog to the park for a little wander and silent contemplation. As I sat and listened to the sounds of the birds and the passing cars, I realised that the reason I was doing volounteer work were my reasons, and mine alone. Yes, it's nice to be appreciated but I didn't volounteer for the accolades. I volounteer to help someone who has supported me over many years. I volounteer as a small way of saying thanks for all the years my wife has been patient with me. I volounteer as a way of expressing my appreciation and supporting her growth. To expect an instant return on this investment of time is to treat the natural order of life as a business. It's a way of showing doubt in the law of cause and effect, and a way of desiring to reap before one sows.

So I choose to give freely, joyfully, and selflessly of my time, without expectation of return. I will observe the affects of my actions and have faith that all will work out perfectly.


Anonymous said...

Your blog is very interesting!
Please, send me the photo of your pc desk and the link of your blog.
I'll publish on my blog!.
Thanks Frank

jjj65 said...


If we all did one piece of volunteer work a month imagine what a better place it would be
Next time you are questioning your volunteer work have a look at yourself in a mirror,its a great place to reflect upon ones self
Have a deep look inside yourself,in to your soul & ask yourself why am I volunteering
The mind plays tricks on our heart & soul but at the end of the day I believe our soul & heart are stronger
Have yourself a very good day

Peter Fletcher said...

Thanks for the encouragement