Wednesday 13 June 2007

Climate change and common sense

There was an interesting article in yesterday's daily paper, the West Australian. Now the West, admittedly, is known for its right wing stance on pretty much everything. It's pro-big business, pro-development, pro-conservative government, and any time it has a chance to belt a lefty, lesbo, homo, greeny or libertarian around the ears, that's exactly what it does. I'm all for freedom of speech; don't get me wrong, but yesterday's story was a classic. There's plenty of evidence to support that our climate is changing - for the worse - as a result of green-house gas emissions. From Al Gore to our local CSIRO, Australia's peak scientific organisation, there's plenty of warnings of the consequences if we fail to change our habits when it comes to consumption - particularly of energy derived from fossil fuels.

Despite all this evidence, it came as no surprise to see Paul Murray of the West, under the cloak of investigative journalism, produce 'evidence' suggesting that the changes we're seeing are as a result of nothing more than cyclical changes to weather patterns that have been taking place since time began. And the 'evidence' Paul trotted out? None other than a prominent geologist who just happens to be on the payroll of one of the peak mining bodies here in Australia. Like he's going to shit in his own nest by suggesting anything alarming!

So I wonder, if Paul's so keen about evidence, if he's ever taken a trip through Europe with his eyes open. He may have observed all the smog. Cloudless skies where the horizon is constantly brown. I wonder, Paul, was that smog around a couple of hundred years ago? And has he ever wondered where the clear blue skies have gone? I remember as a kid on the farm, looking to the sky and marvelling how clear it was, how you could just see through this blueness forever. But that's probably not scientific enough for Paul, nor for his big-business, big-industry cronies. My hope is that passion will win over thought, that common-sense will prevail over theory, and that the welfare of the planet will be put before commercial interest.

1 comment:

jjj65 said...

We need a second daily newspaper in WA.The Worst Australian has been a monopoly for too long.
They think stories about Ben Cousins,his ex girlfriend, Ashlee Sampi & their personal problems are news
Its papers like the Worst that contribute to the problems these people have
Give them the time & space to get their lives back on track
Are peoples personal problems really news
I saw a film clip for the first time this morning by Green Day
It was about the problems in Darfur
Its great to see music written with a conscious rather than to make a dollar
The Worst reports about the problems there but you wont see on the front page that John Howard wont commit troops to the United Nations to assist in Darfur
So which is more important Ben Cousins personal problems or people being killed
It would be good if we could use this blog to boycott the West on mass until they report on the real & important issues in our life