Thursday 2 August 2007

Why I don't want daylight saving: Number 1

This morning my alarm roused me from sleep at 5:20, as it does most mornings. I get out of bed this early to climb the 243 steps of Jacob's Ladder in Kings Park. It keeps me fit and probably healthier than if I'd stayed in bed to do nothing. But what's this got to do with daylight saving? It's simple really. While I was at the top of the ladder this morning, I made the observation to one of my fellow stair climbers that the sky appeared lighter. It's one of those things that I've come to expect; that I'll be exercising in the dark during winter. I leave home in the dark, workout in the dark, and arrive home before the sun has had a chance to rise in the East. And that's why I once looked forward to summer. It gave me a chance to exercise in the cool of a summer morning, to watch the early morning awakening of nature, and to enjoy that peaceful calm that only the early morning just on daybreak can bring. But with daylight saving I'm largely robbed of this precious time. Just when I start to enjoy the dawn again I'm forced back to exercising in the dark. So what I once looked forward to, longed for, and treasured, has been stolen from me.

I don't want daylight saving. It robs me of the bliss of exercising in the light during much of summer.

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