Monday 20 August 2007

Rudd does a Clinton

Tonight on the 7.30 Report, Prime Ministerial wannabe, Kevin Rudd, created Australia's version of Bill Clinton's "I did not have sexual relations with that woman". Following allegations that he visited a New York strip club in a drunken state, his appearance in front of hard-hitting ABC front man, Kerry O'brien, was attempt to make sure the issue disappears quickly. Rudd claims to have had a "cordial" dinner with his two mates. Yeah right! If the truth be known they got smashed off their tit and trash talked their way to the strip joint. And here's where his story gets really clear and really fuzzy all at once. Firstly he says that he'd a fair bit to drink - too much in fact. So much so that, when asked by O'brien whether he could he remember seeing lap dancers, his response was that he couldn't remember seeing anything that you wouldn't see in most Aussie pubs in the past 20 years. Jeez Kev, not sure what pubs you've been going to, but sounds like they're interesting places indeed. Then suddenly his memory gets all vivid again when he reiterates (read: repeat over, and over, and over until the interviewer gets tired and moves on) that he can categorically say that he can recall that absolutely nothing inappropriate whatsoever happened. Nothing? Yes, nothing inappropriate. But if he can't remember the strippers - and let's face it, it was a strip club so they must have been there - how can he know or remember that nothing inappropriate happened? But more interestingly, if nothing inappropriate happened then why did he feel the need to call his wife the next day and confess to his mistake. Surely Kev, if all you'd done is go to the pub and have a few too many drinks, with nothing inappropriate happening then there's really no need for confessionals. Unless, of course, you're not telling us all there is to know.

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