Tuesday 28 August 2007

21st Century Citizen

As a part time greenie, I was impressed by this site that I found while being on Twitter. I'm really impressed that these people are taking the time to write about practical steps we can all take to reduce our impact on the planet. I'm also impressed by the way this guy is getting the message out and creating a conversation about sustainability. It's the topic of some of my posts on my business blog.

Thursday 23 August 2007

When elephants fight, the grass suffers.

When will our political leaders leave partisan politics aside on the important issues?

Kiva.org - Sergei Nartya

What a fantastic idea. Check this out and we'll talk about it later.

Kiva.org - Sergei Nartya

Monday 20 August 2007

Rudd does a Clinton

Tonight on the 7.30 Report, Prime Ministerial wannabe, Kevin Rudd, created Australia's version of Bill Clinton's "I did not have sexual relations with that woman". Following allegations that he visited a New York strip club in a drunken state, his appearance in front of hard-hitting ABC front man, Kerry O'brien, was attempt to make sure the issue disappears quickly. Rudd claims to have had a "cordial" dinner with his two mates. Yeah right! If the truth be known they got smashed off their tit and trash talked their way to the strip joint. And here's where his story gets really clear and really fuzzy all at once. Firstly he says that he'd a fair bit to drink - too much in fact. So much so that, when asked by O'brien whether he could he remember seeing lap dancers, his response was that he couldn't remember seeing anything that you wouldn't see in most Aussie pubs in the past 20 years. Jeez Kev, not sure what pubs you've been going to, but sounds like they're interesting places indeed. Then suddenly his memory gets all vivid again when he reiterates (read: repeat over, and over, and over until the interviewer gets tired and moves on) that he can categorically say that he can recall that absolutely nothing inappropriate whatsoever happened. Nothing? Yes, nothing inappropriate. But if he can't remember the strippers - and let's face it, it was a strip club so they must have been there - how can he know or remember that nothing inappropriate happened? But more interestingly, if nothing inappropriate happened then why did he feel the need to call his wife the next day and confess to his mistake. Surely Kev, if all you'd done is go to the pub and have a few too many drinks, with nothing inappropriate happening then there's really no need for confessionals. Unless, of course, you're not telling us all there is to know.

Friday 10 August 2007

The Dockers can play football

Last weekend the Dockers showed what they can do by beating the Eagles by 27 points. But the real question is - why did they leave it until this late in the season to finally play with a bit of heart and passion. Despite Matthew Pavlich being well held for most of the game the Dockers played a brand of footy that wins matches.

Can they maintain the rage for the rest of the season. If I was a betting man I'd say no. They've got the Bombers this weekend who've got a chance of making the 8 whereas the Dockers have almost no chance.

If they had some heart they'd let Troy Cook play the last three games of the season to give him life membership.

Friday 3 August 2007

Back at school

Back at Uni and putting the time into reading and writing. Submitted my first assessment piece today and feeling more focussed on the end result rather than the process - a bit more strategic than usual. I want to keep my results up to match what I achieved last semester. Can I do a PhD? Not sure at this stage. It seems like such a long haul to go for another Masters degree then do a 3-4 year thesis on top of that. I'll be 48 by the time I finish school. Bloody hell!

Thursday 2 August 2007

Why I don't want daylight saving: Number 1

This morning my alarm roused me from sleep at 5:20, as it does most mornings. I get out of bed this early to climb the 243 steps of Jacob's Ladder in Kings Park. It keeps me fit and probably healthier than if I'd stayed in bed to do nothing. But what's this got to do with daylight saving? It's simple really. While I was at the top of the ladder this morning, I made the observation to one of my fellow stair climbers that the sky appeared lighter. It's one of those things that I've come to expect; that I'll be exercising in the dark during winter. I leave home in the dark, workout in the dark, and arrive home before the sun has had a chance to rise in the East. And that's why I once looked forward to summer. It gave me a chance to exercise in the cool of a summer morning, to watch the early morning awakening of nature, and to enjoy that peaceful calm that only the early morning just on daybreak can bring. But with daylight saving I'm largely robbed of this precious time. Just when I start to enjoy the dawn again I'm forced back to exercising in the dark. So what I once looked forward to, longed for, and treasured, has been stolen from me.

I don't want daylight saving. It robs me of the bliss of exercising in the light during much of summer.