Tuesday 27 May 2008

What's the payoff in losing?

I've blogged a bit about the Dockers lately. Their losing streak continues. The question I pose here is "What payoff do the Dockers enjoy by losing winnable games?".

Over the past few weeks the Dockers have made a habit of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. They've been in front in the final quarter - and lost - in each of the past four weeks (happy to be corrected here). At times the margin has been substantial. Still they manage to lose.

As an example they had a significant (nearly 40 points?) lead over Geelong at home. They choked. They were going to hand out a hiding in Melbourne leading by nearly 60 points. Again they choked. To do this once is forgivable, but to do it time and again raises questions. What is the payoff in being perpetual losers? Do they perceive themselves as being unworthy of winning? Perhaps. Do their working class roots dictate they have to struggle for the rest of their existence against more affluent, successful clubs? Maybe. Are they afraid of success? Possibly. I'm not sure what the payoff is for them losing. But I believe there is one.

It's about time they figured out the reasons why they give up winnable leads. At the moment they're an embarrassment to the state.

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