Wednesday 3 October 2007

I'll let you go now

While I'm in the mood, what is it with people who "politely" end a conversation by saying "I'll let you go now"? How condescending is that? How is it that they see another person as a possession that can be let go? Why do they imagine that they had the person captured in the first place? And why do they believe that they are the person who gets to say when a person stays or leaves? I say to these "polite" people - say it as it is. If you're bored with a conversation end the conversation by all means, but don't pretend that it's for someone else's benefit. If you're really busy, say so - then go. Ending a conversation with "I'll let you go" is simply a weak mind's attempt to be socially acceptable. Find something original to say.

I'm leaving now.

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